
Solve problems when connecting to internet using 3G modems

Primary LanguageShell


sakis3g is a script which creates an Internet connection using 3G modems. The software works with most USB and Bluetooth modems. sakis3g is frequently used in devices such as Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.

There are situations where some USB 3g modems are not detected by the default modem manager softwares or establishing the connection fails frequently. sakis3g can be helpful in solving these problems.

###Installing sakis3g

You can install sakis3g simply by downloading the sakis3g file from this repository, copying it to /usr/local/bin directory and making it executable.

sudo cp /path/to/downloaded/directory/sakis3g /usr/local/bin/sakis3g
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sakis3g

Click here to download the latest version of sakis3g

###Using sakis3g

sakis3g has an interractive mode which provides a nice GUI for the user. It can be launched as follows.

./sakis3g --interactive

Select or enter the relavant options such as APN, User Name and etc to connect.

If you plan to connect to internet regularly through sakis3g, using the interractive mode may be tiring. You can simply write a script for your modem and run it once to connect to the internet. You can even make this script run automatically when your modem is plugged in, which makes you do nothing to connect to the internet.


NET_CONNECT file provides a simple script which can be run to connect to the internet. But the NET_CONNECT file needs to be changed according to your modem and sudo password.

  • Replace every <password> with your root password.
  • <vendorID:productID> must be replaced according to your modem.
    • Make sure you've plugged in your 3g modem
    • Fireup a shell and do a lsusb
    • You will get some devices plugged in to your PC including the 3g modem
    • Look for your 3g modem and get the vendorId and productId.
    • eg: For Bus 003 Device 013: ID 19d2:0151 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM
      vendorId = 19d2 and productId = 0151
  • Replace <APN> by the APN of your network provider

If you have modemmanager installed, it won't allow sakis3g to use the modem. The lines mmcli --modem=/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/x -d in the NET_CONNECT script solves this by disabling the modem manager.

###Connect to internet automatically when 3g modem is plugged in

Please follow this guide and run the cutomarized NET_CONNECT script as the script in above guide.