
E1.31 (sACN) Mediaserver

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

E1.31 (sACN) Mediaserver

This is a simple python-based E1.31 (sACN) controllable mediaserver running on a Raspberry Pi.

Versions (project-specific)

  • Rocky Horror Show (mainrhs.py)
    • Includes control of two relais for composite video switching
    • 4 Channels
      • CH1: Selection of Video (0 Stop, 1-255 Play Files)
      • CH2: Selection of Folder (0-255)
      • CH3: Selection of Playmode (0-127 Non-Loop, 128-255 Loop)
      • CH4: Selection of Videosource (0-127 PGM, 128-255 Cam)
    • Mediafiles and configfile on external USB-Stick
    • *.mp4 only
    • Fixed mapping of DMX values to foldernames (000-255) and filenames (001.mp4-255.mp4)
  • Jekyll and Hyde (mainjekyll.py)
    • 3 Channels
      • CH1: Selection of Video (0 Stop, 1-255 Play Files)
      • CH2: Selection of Folder (0-255)
      • CH3: Selection of Playmode (0-127 Non-Loop, 128-255 Loop)
    • Internal storage of mediafiles and configfile
      • Media: "/home/pi/media/"
      • Config: "/home/pi/config.txt"
    • Supports every format supported by VLC-Media-Player
    • No fixed mapping of DMX values to foldernames
      • Mapping of DMX values to alphabetically sorted foldernames and filenames

Known bugs

  • Loop only runs 10000 times
  • Loop-state only gets set when selecting a new mediafile to play
  • at the start of the loop some video-frames get dropped
  • Videos under one second sometimes only get played partially

Planned features

  • Webserver for configuration
  • Configuration of screen resolution in configfile (and webserver)
  • Update-routine
  • WiFi Support
  • CITP video stream
  • Network discovery service

Raspberry Pi configuration

  • Flashing OS
    • Raspberry Pi OS with desktop
    • Kernel version: 5.10
  • Create file "ssh" on sd card root-folder
  • Login via ssh with credentials "pi", "raspberry"
    • "sudo raspi-config"
      • System Options → Password, (choose Password)
      • Display Options → Disable Screen Blanking
      • Interface Options → Enable VNC
      • Advanced Options → Expand Filesystem
    • “sudo apt update”
    • “sudo apt upgrade”
    • "sudo reboot now"
  • Connect via VNC to pi
    • Panel Settings (In task-bar)
      • Advanced → Minimise panel when not in use, 0px height
    • Preferences (In start-menu)
      • Add/Remove Software, search "Battery", deactivate "Battery monitor plugin for lxpanel"
    • Right click on desktop, preferences
      • uncheck Mounted Disks und Trashcan
      • Choose layout "No image" and "Color" black
  • Connect via SSH
    • "sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"
      • In Seat-section add line "xserver-command = X -nocursor"
    • "sudo nano .bashrc"
      • Add "alias python=’python3’"
    • Install requirements
      • "pip3 install pyusb"
      • "pip3 install python-vlc"
      • "pip3 install sacn"
    • cd /home/pi
    • git clone https://github.com/Pahegi/Mediaserver-Python.git
  • Put script into autorun:
    • crontab -e
    • Select 1 (Nano)
    • Rocky Horror Show: Add Line "@reboot sleep 10 && python3 /home/pi/mainrhs.py"
    • Jekyll and Hyde: Add Line "@reboot sleep 10 && python3 /home/pi/Mediaserver-Python/mainjekyll.py"
  • Disable screensaver
    • "sudo apt install xscreensaver"
    • Connect via VNC:
      • startmenu, settings, screensaver, disable screensaver