
This assessment contains 2 parts. Each part is explained below. You will have 60 minutes to complete the entire assessment (Parts 1 and 2).

Part One: Git Basics

Please follow the directions the below. You will be assessed on the completion of each step.

  1. Fork a copy of this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked copy to your computer.
  3. Add an index.html file to the root directory of the repository.
  4. Open the repository in VS Code.
  5. Add the following code to your index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>HTML 5 Boilerplate</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <h1>Command Line and Git SBA</h1>
	<script src="index.js"></script>

  1. Add the changes to the staging area.
  2. Save the the changes to your local repository. Include as your message the full command you used to create the index.html file in step 3.
  3. Send the changes to your remote repository.
  4. Create a pull request

Part Two: Command Line

Please follow the directions the below. You will be assessed on the completion of each step.


  1. You will need to create a account to complete this portion. This video provides directions:
  2. Start a new "Bash" repl
  3. Click on the "Console" tab to run commands in a way similar to Git Bash or Terminal
  4. Format your commands with single spaces between commands, options, and arguments. Ex. cp file1.txt file2.txt my_directory ls -a

Use the appropriate commands complete the steps listed below.

  1. Create a folder named folder1
  2. Navigate to folder1
  3. Add a file named file1.txt to folder1
  4. Use text commands to add the following text to file1.txt: "grapes\napples\noranges\nlimes\nlemons\napples\ngrapes\npears\nberries\nlimes" There should be one item per line in the file. Hint: You will need to use -e along with your command to ensure each item is on separate line (ex. command -e "text here")
  5. Alphabetize the contents of file1.txt and add the alphabetized content to a new file named sorted-file1.txt
  6. From your current location in the file system, create a folder named folder2 that is a sibling of folder1 using a single command
  7. From your current location in the file system, Navigate to folder2using a single command
  8. Add a file named file2.txt in folder2
  9. Use text commands to add the following text to file2.txt: "grapes\ngrapes\napples\noranges\nlimes\nlimes\nlemons\nlemons\ngrapes\npears\npears\nberries" Hint: you will need to use -e along with your command to ensure each item is on separate line (ex. command -e "text here")
  10. Filter out duplicate adjacent lines from from file2.txt and add the filtered list to a new file named unique-file2.txt
  11. Run the command: exit in the Shell
  12. Click the Shell tab. Located next to the Console tab in your repl
  13. Run the command cat ~/.bash_history > my-history.txt
  14. Use the "Invite" button in the top right of the window to generate a sharable link (as showin in video linked here and above)
  15. Take a screenshot of the Console showing the commands you used to complete the assignment
  16. Submit your link to the Canvas submission page for this session
  17. Submit your screenshot to the Canvas submission page for this session