- 1
- 0
- 0
Add a `Base.allignment` method
#739 opened by rafaqz - 1
`uconvert` does not preserve the floating-point precision of quantities in some cases
#753 opened by eliascarv - 2
- 2
- 0
Mark units defined in this package as `public`
#749 opened by sostock - 3
- 2
Cant simplify electrical units as expected (S*Ω)
#747 opened by LKuhrmann - 0
[For fun] This package is important
#746 opened by mvsoom - 1
Int64 Overflow on Simple Conversion
#660 opened by ejmeitz - 2
Can't `convert(Float64, unitful_float64)`?
#742 opened by asinghvi17 - 1
`, ::T)` does not return parseable Julia code for numerous types
#743 opened by brainandforce - 0
Include packages like `UnitfulAstro` and similar into `Unitful` (feature request)
#736 opened by MBSck - 0
Use Typographically Correct Spacing
#735 opened by PatrickHaecker - 1
unit(Quantity) should be an error
#734 opened by cstjean - 1
`round(x::Quantity) = round(typeof(x), x)`
#732 opened by jariji - 17
Quantities should be <: Real?
#680 opened by aplavin - 2
- 0
Misleading `DimensionError` message
#728 opened by sostock - 0
- 2
How to cite Unitful.jl?
#725 opened by aelmokadem - 4
Newtonmeters are displayed in the wrong order
#708 opened by TS-CUBED - 1
Question: How to decompose units into sub-units?
#707 opened by ejmeitz - 4
`atol` used by `isapprox` for affine units
#723 opened by sostock - 2
Converting inverse units fails
#720 opened by jariji - 1
Wrong result when broadcasting `ustrip` over ranges whose `eltype` and `step` have different units
#712 opened by sostock - 3
Way to ustrip an array efficiently
#717 opened by aplavin - 2
Inexact error in convert()
#718 opened by bc0n - 0
ustrip() does not work with `Base.TwicePrecision`
#709 opened by staticfloat - 1
Can't pass string to `@u_str`
#713 opened by matthewelmer-tamu - 3
- 0
Compound unit types?
#706 opened by KeithWM - 0
`AbstractQuantity` subtypes and quantity kinds
#705 opened by jariji - 0
Unexpected Errors using 'prod()' when specifying 'dims = _' argument on matrices of Unitful values
#702 opened by jmtlawrie - 1
- 1
Add parts per million (ppm) unit
#684 opened by juliohm - 6
Either angles or cld don't work consistently
#686 opened by aplavin - 6
Conversion fails to strip variable
#697 opened by twildi - 1
`one(T<:Quantity)` returns values with no unit
#685 opened by ehgus - 2
Converting to dBSPL from Pa gives incorrect answer
#683 opened by ubertakter - 0
Add method for rationalize
#681 opened by AwesomeQuest - 2
DimensionError when using updating operator ( .*= ) to multiply a Vector by a Unitful.jl Quantity
#679 opened by jmtlawrie - 2
- 1
Latexify as soft dependency
#665 opened by gustaphe - 4
How to dispatch on molar mass?
#662 opened by ejmeitz - 2
`uconvert` issue
#661 opened by cmichelenstrofer - 3
[feat] mutable units
#656 opened by kunzaatko - 1
- 0