- Title:
Cloud computing project part A
- Authors: José Santos and Rui Paiva
- Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/xx
- Full-preprint: paper position
- Green - Sockets
- Red - Load Balancer
- Black - Database
- Virtual Box
- Vagrant
To get the machines up and runnning
vagrant up
After the machines are running connect to ansible vm
vagrant ssh ansible
In the vm terminal go to shared folder
cd ../../vagrant
Exchange ssh keys
ansible-playbook -i hosts 00_ssh_key_scan.yamll -v ansible-playbook -i hosts 01_add_ssh_key.yml --ask-pass
ansible-playbook -i hosts 02_install_consul.yml -v
ansible-playbook -i hosts 03_install_nginx.yml -v
vagrant ssh sockets cd /vagrant/ws php websockets_server.php
Web pages: http:// Consul UI:
Ubuntu - Nginx with consul template
Ubuntu - The web server only runs php code and serves the site.
Ubuntu - The web sockets service was divided into a node of its own.
Ubuntu - Posgresql
Ubuntu - Consul
Centos7 - Ansible