Goal of this project is a a proof of concept for a system that can keep track of balances from several sources. In this repo, you'll find two files, Sheet.csv and Sheet.txt. These files can be uploaded or fetched via file system by apache camel and displayed in a paginated table made in reactjs.
- Java8 JDK
- Lombok
- Maven
- Docker
The application can be run in 2 different ways:
- with a docker container for the database
- with a docker container for the database and the application
The preferred way for development/test is by using only the database container while a complete 'dockerization' is proof of concept for 'production' purpose.
via command line, in the root of the application folder enter the following commands:
mvn clean install
example: C:\workspace\SpringBootCamelStreamsExample>mvn clean install
create the docker container for the postgres database and launch it:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
example: C:\workspace\SpringBootCamelStreamsExample>docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
with the database container running the application can now be started with:
java -jar target/SpringBootCamelStreamsExample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
example: C:\workspace\SpringBootCamelStreamsExample>java -jar target/SpringBootCamelStreamsExample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The following will create the docker container for the webapp and the database.
modify the content of:
with the one present in:
This change is needed due to different database connection configuration.
via command line, in the root of the application folder enter the following commands:
mvn clean install
example: C:\workspace\SpringBootCamelStreamsExample>mvn clean install
create the docker container and launch it:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-complete.yml up
example: C:\workspace\SpringBootCamelStreamsExample>docker-compose -f docker-compose-complete.yml up
- To import data via CSV file use the link http://localhost:8080/uploadCSV
- To import data via PRN/Fixed length file use the link http://localhost:8080/uploadPRN
The html table with the persons balance data can be found at http://localhost:8080, the page support pagination and is possible to customize the page size by setting the value in the top left corner; creation and deletion of a person can be done in this page as well.
The application support also scanning of directory to search and import CSV and PRN files; in order to enable it and configure the directories please modify the application.yml file accordingly (see snippet below) for any changes to be applied redo the steps used to build and run the application in the sections above.
enable: true
dir: C:/Users/Paizo/Desktop
noop: true
recursive: false
type: .*.csv
delay: 10000
enable: true
dir: C:/Users/Paizo/Desktop
noop: true
recursive: false
type: .*.prn
delay: 10000
Above: sample configuration to import csv and prn file from the directory C:/Users/Paizo/Desktop
with a delay of 10 seconds
Considering this as an example of a microservice then it would be hard to troubleshooting problems across multiple microservices. The application has been made ready for distributed tracing among different services by adding Spring Sleuth.
Monitoring has been enabled and the health check endpoint is reachable at http://localhost:9001/health, other monitoring endpoints are not reachable due to the lack of an authentication mechanism.
Copyright (C) 2018 by Francesco Pizzo.