We're on a mission to standardize message-based communication and increase interoperability of the different systems out there.
⚠️ This plugin doesn't support AsyncAPI 1.x
Gradle plugin helps to generate AsyncAPI specification from hand-crafted AsyncAPI class at choosed build cycle step.
- Generate AsyncAPI schema(s) for one or multiple Java classes.
- Generate AsyncAPI schemas for all classes in one or multiple packages.
- Generaty AsyncAPI schema in
plugins {
id 'com.asyncapi.asyncapi-gradle-plugin'
resolve {
packageNames = ['com.asyncapi.plugin.gradle.asyncapi.lamps', 'com.asyncapi.plugin.gradle.asyncapi.streetlights']
classPath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
class Lamps(asyncapi: String = "2.0.0",
id: String? = null,
defaultContentType: String? = null,
info: Info = Info(),
servers: MutableMap<String, Server>? = null,
channels: MutableMap<String, ChannelItem> = mutableMapOf(),
components: Components? = null,
tags: MutableList<Tag>? = null,
externalDocs: ExternalDocumentation? = null
) : AsyncAPI(asyncapi, id, defaultContentType, info, servers, channels, components, tags, externalDocs) {
override fun getAsyncapi() = "2.0.0"
override fun getInfo(): Info {
return Info.builder()
.title("Lamps API")
.description("Recive real-time information about lamps")
.name("Apache 2.0")
override fun getServers(): MutableMap<String, Server> {
return mutableMapOf(
Pair("production", Server.builder()
.description("Test broker")
Pair("port", ServerVariable.builder()
.description("Secure connection (TLS) is available through port 8883.")
.enumValue(listOf("1883", "8883"))
mapOf(Pair("apiKey", emptyList())),
mapOf(Pair("supportedOauthFlows", listOf(
mapOf(Pair("openIdConnectWellKnown", emptyList()))
override fun getDefaultContentType() = "application/json"
override fun getChannels(): MutableMap<String, ChannelItem> {
return mutableMapOf(
Pair("smartylighting/lamps/1/0/event/{lampId}/info", ChannelItem.builder()
.description("The topic on which lamp info may be produced and consumed.")
Pair("lampId", Reference("#/components/parameters/lampId"))
.summary("Receive information about lamp.")
override fun getComponents(): Components? {
return Components.builder()
Pair("lampInfo", Message.builder()
.title("Lamp info")
.summary("Lamp information.")
private fun getSchemas(): Map<String, Any> {
return mapOf(
Pair("lampInfoPayload", Schema.builder()
Pair("lumens", Schema.builder()
.description("Lamp intensity measured in lumens.")
Pair("watts", Schema.builder()
.description("Lamp watt consumption.")
private fun getSecuritySchemes(): Map<String, Any> {
return mapOf(
Pair("apiKey", ApiKeySecurityScheme.apiKeySecuritySchemeBuilder()
.description("Provide your API key as the user and leave the password empty.")
private fun getParameters(): Map<String, Any> {
return mapOf(
Pair("lampId", Parameter.builder()
.description("The ID of the lamp.")
private fun getMessageTraits(): Map<String, MessageTrait> {
return mapOf(
Pair("commonHeaders", MessageTrait.builder()
Pair("my-app-header", Schema.builder()
private fun getOperationTraits(): Map<String, OperationTrait> {
return mapOf(
Pair("kafka", OperationTrait.builder()
Pair("kafka", KafkaOperationBinding.builder()
Right now manual definition is the only way. Annotations with reflection for their handling will appear soon.