
REST API example in Go, using PostgreSQL and gorilla/mux, from a SemaphoreCI tutorial

Primary LanguageGo

REST API in Go example

  • gorilla/mux for routing
  • lib/pq PostgreSQL driver
  • docker/lib/postgres as database

Source: https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/building-and-testing-a-rest-api-in-go-with-gorilla-mux-and-postgresql

Project structure

app.go main.go model.go

  • app.go - App type to provide REST web service endpoints and model calls
  • main.go - main package to run service
  • model.go - defines products database model and executes CRUD operations against database

CRUD of products

  • create a new product: POST to /product
  • delete an existing product: DELETE to /product/{id}
  • update an existing product: PUT to /product/{id}
  • fetch an existing product: GET to /product/{id}
  • fetch a list of all existing products: GET to /products

Setup Development Environment

Create project workspace

$ cd ~/dev/go/github.com/amundsenjunior/rest-go-mux-pq
$ git clone https://github.com/amundsenjunior/rest-go-mux-pq.git

Get project dependencies

You can pull the two dependencies directly, via:

$ go get github.com/gorilla/mux github.com/lib/pq

Or, using go dep (go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep), use the present Gopkg.* files:

$ dep ensure

Start PostgreSQL instance and create database & table

$ docker run --name rgmp -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=restgomuxpq -p 5432:5432 postgres:alpine
$ docker run -it --rm --link rgmp:postgres postgres:alpine psql -h postgres -U postgres -W
  password: restgomuxpq
=# \list
=# \c rgmp
  password: restgomuxpq
=# CREATE TABLE products (
    id SERIAL,
    name TEXT NOT NULL,
    price NUMERIC(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00,
    CONSTRAINT products_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
=# \dt
=# \q


  • TestEmptyTable - expected is a 200 code, but response returns 404
  • TestGetNonExistentProduct - a GET request for a product by id should return error
  • TestCreateProduct - an OK response code should come from a POST request of a new product
  • TestGetProduct - an OK response code should come from a GET request on an existing product
  • TestGetAllProducts - an OK response code and correct length of response body shoudl come from a GET request on all existing products
  • TestUpdateProduct - an OK response code should come from a PUT request on an existing product to update it
  • TestDeleteProduct - an OK response code should come from a DELETE request on removing an existing product

Execute TestMain with env vars:

$ export TEST_DB_USERNAME=postgres TEST_DB_PASSWORD=restgomuxpq TEST_DB_NAME=docker:5432/rgmp TEST_DB_SSLMODE=disable; go test -v

Alternatively, run test_exec.sh to start a Docker test database, execute the tests, and cleanup:

$ bash ./test_exec.sh

Build and run the application

$ go build
$ export APP_DB_USERNAME=postgres APP_DB_PASSWORD=restgomuxpq APP_DB_NAME=docker:5432/rgmp APP_DB_SSLMODE=disable; ./rest-go-mux-pq
$ curl - POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "toy gorilla", "price": "29.99"}' http://localhost:8080/product
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/products


  • doesn't log address on which it's available
  • no logging provide of normal application operation

