Rank your nft collection choosing the algorithm you prefer. This package can retrieves and parse the collection metadata from different sources and rank every nft using different score strategy.
npm install non-fungible-ranker
const NFR = require('non-fungible-ranker')
const options = {
source: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './inputs/json',
collection: {
attributes: ['Background','Skin', 'Jowls', 'Mouth', 'Eyes', 'Clothes', 'Headwear'],
supply: 10000
ranker: {
type: 'rarityScore'
const ranker = NFR(options)
const stats = await ranker.rankCollection()
* ...
* { id: '1082.json', score: 0.000001280426016987394 },
* { id: '1083.json', score: 0.0000013304025676832715 },
* { id: '1084.json', score: 0.0000013001667264310755 },
* { id: '1085.json', score: 0.000001254020708824398 },
* { id: '1086.json', score: 0.0000012871439413840163 },
* { id: '1087.json', score: 0.0000012583142946898313 },
* ...
Options must be an object with the following fields
const options = {
source: { ... },
collection: { ... },
ranker: { ... }
Source fields must be used to choose and customize a source reader. Each source reader can have different mandatory fields.
const source = {
type: 'filesystem',
path: '/home/user/collection/folder'
The path
should refer a folder in the filesystem where all the nft metadata json are stored.
Collection field take care of all the aspect of the nft collection. Only the listed attributes will be used for rank the nft
const collection = {
supply: 42,
attributes: ['Background', 'Clothes', 'Eyes', 'Fur', 'Har', 'Mouth' ]
With this field you can choose and customize the rank algorithm
const ranker = {
type: 'rarityScore',
Available rankers:
- traitRarity: The simpler algorithm, each nft will be scored based on his rarest trait
- averageTraitRarity: Sum of the average rarity of every nft traits
- statisticalRarity: Multiply the nft traits rarities together
- rarityScore: The commonly used algorithm, each nft will be scored based on the rarity of all his traits on the entire collection