
A .NET implementation of the Auth.GG Licensing System

Primary LanguageC#

Auth.GG Licensing for .NET

This API serves as a layer that simplifies communication between .NET and the server

You can access the documentation of the API at https://setup.auth.gg

Getting started

Grab API Secret

  • Step 1 : Login to your panel and create your application
  • Step 2 : Your application secret will be next to your application name
  • Step 3 : Copy your secret and store it somewhere

Grab AID

  • Step 1 : Login to your panel hover over your avatar on the top right
  • Step 2 : Click on Account Settings
  • Step 3 : Copy your AID and store it somewhere

Connecting panel to program

Now that you have your AID and Secret use it to initialize and connect your application to our servers

 OnProgramStart.Initialize("APPNAME", "AID", "PROGRAMSECRET", "VERSION");


 OnProgramStart.Initialize("MyDemoApp", "269868", "t5d7rzzbrdAHmfWTGmuTUazjLIvWk", "1.0");

After a successful initialization, the server will send back the following information on your application based on the settings you have picked

  • ApplicationSettings.Name : Application name
  • ApplicationSettings.Status : Application Enabled/Disabled
  • ApplicationSettings.DeveloperMode : DeveloperMode Enabled/Disabled
  • ApplicationSettings.Hash : Applications md5 hash to check integrity
  • ApplicationSettings.Version : Applications version
  • ApplicationSettings.UpdateLink : Applications link that it updates from if version is updated
  • ApplicationSettings.Freemode : Freemode Enabled/Disabled
  • ApplicationSettings.Login : Login Enabled/Disabled
  • ApplicationSettings.Register : Login Enabled/Disabled
  • ApplicationSettings.TotalUsers : Total users registered for application


 if (API.Login(username, password))
                    //Code you want to do here on successful login
MessageBox.Show("You have successfully logged in!", OnProgramStart.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

After a successful login, the server will send back the following information on your user

  • User.Username : Users username
  • User.ID : Users ID
  • User.Email : Users email
  • User.HWID : Users hardware ID
  • User.IP : Users IP
  • User.UserVariable : Users variable
  • User.Rank : Users rank
  • User.Expiry : Users expiry
  • User.LastLogin : Users last login
  • User.RegisterDate : Users registration date
  • User.ProfilePicture : Users profile picture link


 if (API.Register(username, password, email, license))
                    //Code you want to do here on successful register
MessageBox.Show("You have successfully registered!", OnProgramStart.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

Extend Subscription

 if (API.ExtendSubscription(username, password, token))
                    MessageBox.Show("You have successfully extended your subscription!", OnProgramStart.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                    // Do code of what you want after successful extend here!

All in one - strictly key based - login & register with one

                    //Code you want to do here on successful login
                    MessageBox.Show("Welcome back to my application!", OnProgramStart.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
                    Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); // closes the application
                    //Code you want to do here on failed login
                    MessageBox.Show("Your key does not exist!", OnProgramStart.Name, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); // closes the application

Log Action


Update Profile Picture

 API.UploadPic("USERNAMEHERE", @"C:\imagelocation.png");