
Twitter scrapping project

Primary LanguagePython

This is my Twitter-Scrapping project

Importing required libraries

import streamlit as st
from pymongo import MongoClient
import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import json
  • Creating application by using streamlit
  • scrape the twitter data using snscrape module

if we want to upload the data to mongodb

  • create connection with mongodb using pymongo
  • create the database and create collection name as searchkey with datetimestamp
  • mongodb stores data in the form of JSON so convert the data into json format
  • store the json data into the collection

if we want to download the data

  • select the option yes in text box
  • then it will displays the formats CSV,JSON format Radio buttons
  • select the format and click on download button and download the data

To run the app

  • create the .py file on on your IDE and store the above code on the file and save it.Lets say example we save project.py file saved in desktop
  • open the commandprompt. command prompt intiatially opens C:\Users\Admin>but our document stored in desktop.
  • So in order to create path for file write command cd desktop it will create path for desktopC:\Users\Admin\Desktop>
  • Then run the file by using streamlit run command i.e. streamlit run project.py, it will takes you to the app


  • you can directly run in run in teminal by writing the command streamlit run <filepath><filename>