
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is cross platform app for impact assessment using react-native and react-native-web.

It is bootstrapped with Create React App so you can run yarn web in order to start up the development web server with all the hot reloading goodness you've come to expect.

It has then been integrated with Create React Native App and running yarn ios or yarn android will start the Expo packager. You can also run the project from the Expo XDE program.

Get Started

  1. yarn install to install all the packages.

A full list of the scripts defined in package.json is shown below.

Script Action
yarn web Start CRA Development Build
yarn build-web Create production build for web
yarn eject-web Eject from CRA
yarn start-native Start the Expo packager
yarn eject-native Eject from Expo
yarn android Start expo packager and install app to Android Emulator
yarn ios Start expo packager and install app to iOS Simulator
yarn test-native Run testing script for mobile app
yarn test-web Run testing script for web app
yarn test Run both testing scripts

Note: If you get version mismatch error while using yarn ios. Just perform killall node, this will kill all other node servers running that might be using other versions of react-native. After this you can normally perform yarn ios. It will work like a charm. Note: yarn eject will surface all the dependencies files like Webpack, babel, ESlint etc. This is present in the CRA, as CRA creators wanted developers to have full control over configurations. Eject should be used only if needed. This is one way operation. Once you eject, you can't go back.

Naming Conventions

  1. Use PascalCase for component names.
  2. All folders will be in camelCase.
