
Create Map with twitter friend's marked in it

Primary LanguagePython

Using Web Services GitHub: https://apps.twitter.com/

To visit site go to TWIT2: know where they live

How does it works?

First, you must clone or download this repo.

Secondm, you should open hidden.py and put your API tokens there. Quite clear.

Then you need to change in web_map.py directory of map saving in generate_map() function into your valid directory(full path). Then just run flask_app.py and go to the link that will be printed below.

To find friends locations you don't need to do all this shit. Just go to the site above and enjoy. All you need is to enter a Twitter account and application will create a map with 15-50 friends marked on it.

It is no need for more, as it's hard to analyse all data and moreover to collect it from Twitter

To make analyses more better, I created json_navigation.py file. With it's help you can get access to any kind of data in your .json file

I hope you'll enjoy))