
Useless warnings from gcc -Weffc++

z33ky opened this issue · 4 comments

z33ky commented

We get some annoying warnings from -Weffc++ about initializing members via the member initialization list, even though their default constructor is perfectly fine. See GCC Bug 81431 for an upstream bug report, the referenced GCC Bug 16166 is also relevant.
We should try to replace this warning with other flags to report things we do want to hear about. At worst we could just get rid of the flag and live with less warnings.

Okay, so I should update the Code::Blocks project with it disabled?? I'll see what other warnings I can access.

z33ky commented

Right now we're getting warning-spammed anyways, so for the time being I don't think it does actual damage.
I believe most warnings are reasonably fixable in code. The member-initialization warnings of -Weffc++ look 100% spurious though, but there are other warnings enabled with that same flag that are useful.

Like the OP states, I'm proposing we look how to best replace this flag with some others, so we can get rid of this annoying warning, while keeping the useful ones. If we cannot find good replacements, then I believe it is better to just disable it and accept less compiler-assistance.

Alright then, that makes a lot more sense, it is rather annoying have five gazillion warnings spat out by the compiler.

Also, I'm thinking of moving constructors to the source files instead so it's a bit cleaner, but I'll open another issue for this.

z33ky commented

I still get spurious -Weffc++ warnings; I don't think this is "Done".