
Variational RNNs for cyclone track prediction

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

VaRNN - Cyclone Track Prediction

VaRNN provides implementation of Variational Bayes algorithm (inspired by bayes by backprop) for RNN models including Long Short-term Memory models. We apply these models for prediction of cyclone tracks in data provided by Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC).

Required Packages

Requires Python 3.7 or later with PyTorch and related libraries. Please refer to requirements.txt for details of python packages required.

Note: The training script uses rpy2 python package to leverage the scoringRules R package to compute energy score metric numerically. This also requires an R language installation with scoringRules installed in the environment to run the training. In our case, R v3.6 was used.

Training the model

The train.py file provides arguments for training the BayesRNN and BayesLSTM models respectively. Here are the details of training arguments available:

(py39) ➜  variational-rnn-cyclones (main) python train.py --help                                           ✭ ✱
usage: train.py [-h] --ds-name DS_NAME [--model MODEL] [--lr LR] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--samples SAMPLES]
                [--hidden HIDDEN] [--root-dir ROOT_DIR] [--features FEATURES]

Train model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ds-name DS_NAME
  --model MODEL         Model to train: rnn, varnn, lstm, varlstm
  --lr LR               Learning rate to be used for model training
  --epochs EPOCHS       Number of epochs to train the model for
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of sequences in a single training batch
  --samples SAMPLES     Number of markov samples used for loss computation
  --hidden HIDDEN       Number of hidden features in the model architecture
  --root-dir ROOT_DIR   Path to the directory where the repository is located
  --features FEATURES   Features to train model on: can be location, intensity or both


The data used in this implementation is available here

Sample cyclone tracks from north indian ocean:


Citing this work

  title={Cyclone trajectory and intensity prediction with uncertainty quantification using variational recurrent neural networks},
  author={Kapoor, Arpit and Negi, Anshul and Marshall, Lucy and Chandra, Rohitash},
  journal={Environmental Modelling \& Software},