
A crop model for Oil Palm

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages

Add a model

To add a new model and process, you need to:

  • define the process in a 0-process.jl file using @process
  • define a model that implement the process. If the computation needs values from other organs, you can use the mtg as the last argument of the run! function.
  • add the model in the ModelList of the organ(s) you want it to simulate. If the output of the model needs to be passed to other organs, you can write a specific implementation for the organ type for the run! function (see carbon allocation for example)
  • If the model needs parameters, add the parameters in the parameter dictionnary in structs.jl, in the default_parameters() function around l.140.
  • Add a call to the model in run_XPalm() in the run.jl script. The model should be called at the right moment in the script considering its dependencies over previously computed variables. It can also take the mtg node of an organ as last argument, or nothing if the mtg is not needed. Make sure to call the right method, as sometimes a model has a different method when called with an MTG node.
  • Run the run_XPalm.jl file in the examples scripts, and make sure that everything runs. If there is an error, make sure to read the lines of the error that correspond to the XPalm package, not the others, as the error most probably comes from your new implementation rather than another package.
  • Pre-allocate a hundred phytomers at instantiation and only use them when needed (and set the parent + variables)

To do

  • Manage the case when photosynthesis + reserves are not enough for maintenance respiration: e.g. abortions ?
  • Add variable than tells us how far we are from the demand, i.e. (demand - allocation)
  • Each MTG Node has its ModelList with its models and parameters. The model has potentially a different method for the scale it is computed at, e.g. carbon_demand is different for a leaf than a fruit, and for the palm (in this case it just sums-up all demands). Even we can have a method that does nothing (e.g. for a snag, no carbon_demand)
  • See if we add the variables at palm scale inside the organs Status, as a pointer to its own status, e.g. for computing the sex ratio, we for example need the IC_sex common for the whole plant (as a value in the status, shared between all organs and pointing to the value in the Palm scale)
  • remove dependency to dev versions of packages
  • LAIModel: traverse the MTG for all plants but stop at the plant scale (do not traverse every node)
  • Test difference between LeafCarbonDemandModelArea and LeafCarbonDemandModelPotentialArea. The first assumes that the leaf can always increase its demand more than the potential to catch back any delay in growth induced by previous stress. The second assumes that the potential daily increment only follows the daily potential curve, and that any lost demand induced by stress will be lost demand.
  • For models that specialize on the organ type, we should probably just make one model for each organ type (or at least for each that needs a different algorithm).
  • Initialisations should maybe be given in the model structure and done in the model itself ? See src/plant/reserves/reserve_filing_leaf_and_stem.jl for example, where we check if the value of the previous day is == -Inf and take the current value if so because the initialization is done on the current day, and the previous date is at -Inf. Or simply initialize the day previous organ initiation so the code is the same whatever the time step.
  • There can still be some carbon offer at the end of the day, where do we put it ?
  • Increase the new internode size when the reserves are full ?
  • Check the carbon balance (add it as a variable?)
  • Add maintenance respiration
  • Affect LAI from surface and biomass of the leaves, and thus affect the carbon_demand of the plant, and the carbon_supply of the plant.
  • Test if it is faster to pass the models as the first argument (e.g. m.param) or to use the models argument e.g. models.maintenance_respiration.param
  • in add_phytomer: determine inputs, outputs and model dependency
  • in carbon allocation, put again reserve as needed input. We had to remove it because PSE detects a cyclic dependency with reserve filling. This is ok to remove because carbon allocation needs the value from the day before. We should define how this is done in PSE, e.g. via a special type that provides the values from the day before or else ? Maybe more a way to say to the model that we take the value from before, in the modellist directly e.g. carbon_allocation = [:reserve => PreviousTimeStep(1)] => CarbonAllocationModel()
  • Add model dependency in sex determination
  • in the former verion TT_flowering was changing over plant development. here we fixed it, to update if necessary
  • calibration of 'final_potential_biomass' check on ECOPALM data the maximum number of furit and maximal individual fruit
  • Add peduncle carbon demand and biomass for the female
  • add harvest management: remove fruits, remove leaves
  • Review how maintenance respiration is computed (add Male and Female)
  • Compute the trophic status of the phytomer and females as a proper process (see number_fruits + sex_determination)
  • Add litter (when leaves are removed) + male inflorescences


Ideas for optimizing the code:

  • Use @inline for functions that are called a lot
  • Use @simd for loops that can be vectorized
  • don't enter the functions when the organ is dead (harvested / senescent). To do so, we could update the status of the organ in the type of organ in the node, and add a dispatch method on nodes that are e.g. harvested
  • use only one time-step (a status?) for the simulation, and extract only the variables that we need at the end of the day ?
  • Use pointers when giving values from other scales