SaaS-CLI is a utility that interacts with a Palo Alto Networks Firewall to pull the SaaS Application Usage Report and outputs all the discovered SaaS applications which you can then review and tag them as Sanctioned if applicable.
- cmd - Contains the application entry point code
- pkg - Contains multiple packages used by the application (The secret package is not included in this repository for security reasons).
- saascli-linux - Executable for Linux systems
- saascli-windows - Executable for Windows systems
- For Windows users download the "saascli-windows" executable and rename it by adding a ".exe" extension
- For Linux users download the "saascli-linux" executable
- Windows run "saas-cli-windows.exe"
- Linux run "./saas-cli-linux"
- For Linux users you might have to give the application executable rights
- Run saas-cli-your_operating_system -h to list all the supported commands
The executable is packaged with a 32-byte array used to encrypt and decrypt the API key. If you want to change this key and recompile the executable use the following steps. *Install Go (if you don't have it already)
- Clone the repository
- Create a secret folder under pkg
- Create a secret.go file inside the secret folder
- Create a function that returns a 32-byte array. Example below:
package secret
// Secret: returns a 32 byte array used as the encryption and decryption key. This can be any 32byte array.
func Secret() []byte {
return []byte("thisshouldbeany32bytearrayyoudig") // CHANGE THIS VALUE TO YOUR OWN VALUE
- Build the executable
env GOOS=target-OS GOARCH=target-architecture go build package-import-path
Example: Linux OS on amd64 Platform
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o saascli-linux cmd/saascli.go