
Terraform Reusable Modules for VM-Series on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

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Terraform Modules for Palo Alto Networks VM-Series on Google Cloud Platform


A set of modules for using Palo Alto Networks VM-Series firewalls to provide control and protection to your applications running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It deploys VM-Series as virtual machine instances and it configures aspects such as Shared VPC connectivity, IAM access, Service Accounts, Panorama virtual machine instances, and more.

The design is heavily based on the Reference Architecture Guide for Google Cloud Platform.

For copyright and license see the LICENSE file.


This repository has the following directory structure:

  • modules: This directory contains several standalone, reusable, production-grade Terraform modules. Each module is individually documented.
  • examples: This directory shows examples of different ways to combine the modules contained in the modules directory.


The compatibility with Terraform is defined individually per each module. In general, expect the earliest compatible Terraform version to be 1.0.0 across most of the modules.


We are maintaining a public roadmap to help users understand when we will release new features, bug fixes and enhancements.


These modules follow the principles of Semantic Versioning. You can find each new release, along with the changelog, on the GitHub Releases page.

Getting Help

Open an issue on Github.


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given. Please follow our contributing guide.