
LashApi project

Primary LanguagePython


LashApi project


Here is the installation process for building the Lash api project. Firstly make sure git is installed

sudo apt-get install git

After that perform git clone:

git clone https://github.com/PanagiotisDrakatos/LashApi
cd LashApi

To continue make sure the setup.sh script has the required permissions to run correctly

chmod 777 setup.sh
sudo ./setup.sh

After the successful setup of the environment we need to make sure that the server is started. As a result we execute the following command:

python3 manage.py runserver 'IP':80 

We wait to see the following screenshot. This command will ensure our server is bootsraped with the given ip in the port 80 Screenshot

Test Api

Open a browser and hit the following and wait patiently your result,44,47](,100,103),100,103


Attention!!! One last thing in the first run we make sure we wait at least 3 min for the api to execute.