- requirements : python 2, python 3, perl, java, ruby ...
run python file : py;python;python3 file.py
install requirements python : pip install -r filewithmodules.txt
fix error in python "Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required" :
- install buils tools (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/fr/downloads/)
- download and execute
- select "c++ for desktop environment"
- leave the selection by default
- in "individual components" select windows 10 sdk
- select the latest version of all components mark has "build tools"
- select "c++ clang compiler for windows"
- once installation is complete search "x86_x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt" and execute
- in this command prompt execute : pip install cmake
- execute : pip install wheel
- go to your repository with the cmd where the requirements.txt file is located
- execute : pip install -r requirements.txt
- end
run perl file : perl file.pl
install perl modules : cpan install (modules)
run ruby file : ruby file.rb
install ruby modules : gem install (modules) and open Gemfile for view requirements
build go script : go build (file.go)
execute java file : java -jar file.jar
- password for files (.exe .7z .zip) : a