
:robot: Artificial Intelligence Assignments for ECE NTUA

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

🤖 Artificial Intelligence Assignments for ECE NTUA

This repository contains the Artificial Intelligence Assignments for ECE NTUA course "Artificial Intelligence".

🚗 Contents

  1. The first part of the assignment contains an implementation of the A search algorithm* implemented in Java for navigation on a map. In particular, a client wants to call a taxi which takes the fastest route from its origin to the client location. The data are harvested from OpenStreetMaps and plotted using MyMaps.
  2. The second part of the assignment introduces the use of Prolog along with Java via JIProlog in order to store useful information about the world in its knowledge base. Multiple taxis can serve a customer and the customer must select which one he prefers according to criteria.

🔩 Usage

In order to run the assignments type

make run

🚹 Students

The project was curated by

  • Marios Papachristou (papachristoumarios)
  • Emmanouil Panagiotou (panagiotou)