A demo image user component for the Pancake project. This component lets user edit the image src and alt as an example, which are attributes for an element.
bower install --save pancake-cms-demo-image-el
Make sure that you have attributes added into data bindings. Example:
<img src$="[[src]]" alt$="[[alt]]">
Convert these attributes to content nodes by adding is-content
, content-id
and content-attr
<img src$="[[src]]" alt$="[[alt]]" is-content="attr" content-id="image-url" content-attr="src, alt">
tells pancake that it is an attribute type content. So the authors' changes will be reflected to attributes instead of inner html.
tells pancake that the content will be stored under the node image-url
. This id can be anything you want as long as its not repeated again in the element and follows JSON key name conventions liek no spaces or special characters.
content-attr="src, alt"
tells pancake that src
and attr
are the ones that will have to be updated from content in element properties. These are the properties that have been binded to the attributes.
Making sure that content can be editted by pancake
You will need to add usercontent
to your properties
usercontent: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: false
And then you will need to add this behavior to your element.
behaviors: [