ProbeDeformer plugins for Maya /**
- @brief Cage Deformer plugins for Maya
- @section LICENSE The MIT License
- @section requirements: Eigen 3:
- @section Autodesk Maya:
- @section (included) AffineLib:
- @author Shizuo KAJI */
There are two versions of deformers; one is simple, and the other adds ARAP modifiation.
- Get devkit at
- Mac OS X: Look at the included Xcode project file
- Windows: Look at the included VisualStudio project file. DO NOT turn on AVX instructions.
- Other: Look at the included Makefile
- on some systems, specifying the compiler option -DEIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE may be necessary to avoid compilation errors (thank giordi91 for this information)
- put the plugins in "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"
- put the UI python script in "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH"
- open script editor in Maya and type in the following Python command:
import ui_cageDeformer as ui
The ARAP version works only on "clean" meshes. First apply "Cleanup" from "Mesh" menu to remove zero faces and edges, non-manifold geometry, etc.