
The example of Unix Network AIP

Primary LanguageC++

The Unix Network Socket API Example

example 1

  • the socket client connect the server, then client send the data to server
  • the server print the client data in stdout

example 2

  • the zero copy echo server and client
  • dup socket fd to STDOUT_FILENO clinet
  • splice the client message to server local file

example 3

  • nonblocking i/o echo server and client with select or epoll

example 4

  • reuse port

example 5

  • half-sync/half-reactive pattern server with epoll
  • use task queue dispatcher the read/write event
  • the main-thread epoll_wait the event
  • the works-thread deal with handle

example 6

  • high efficiency half-sync/half-async pattern server with epoll
  • the main-thread just epoll_wait the listen socket
  • dispatcher the event use pipe to works-thread
  • the works-thread epoll_wait read/write event

example 7

  • leader/follower pattern server with epoll

example 8

  • get the network infomation ipaddress gateway netmask is_dhcp mac broadcast
  • and config the network