- amarthadan@Vacuumlabs
- aviallonThales
- BillyGrandeAthens
- brunof17
- CodeJourno
- DelusionalOptimist@CERN
- EdisonJwaSeoul, South Korea
- ektechxyz
- enr
- freegreg
- funsilver76
- HankiGreedBengaluru, Karnataka
- hobbsyUK
- JayantChNew Delhi
- jtyle6somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
- lain808
- m44ly
- MarzalARM
- matichewerArgentina
- mvaca
- NitroOverdriveX
- otreblanPerú
- pleaseprojectMontreal, QC
- rufuslee
- samedbozdemirKocaeli, Turkey
- SelichTechnical University of Munich, Germany
- shaposhnikoff@spreespace
- shizonic
- tao524
- TimourgvRiga, Brussels
- TrumeetUniversity of British Columbia
- tugdualnicolasTugdual
- yongweiyWest Lafayette
- yxccn0HackGermany
- yyolkY O L K
- ZachAttackMLR@opendoor-labs