DebtHunter Tool

DebtHunter help developers to manage Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) more effectively. DebtHunter can not only mine source code comments in Java projects, but also associated issue trackers, to capture debt at an architecture level. The classification model implemented can be updated with already labeled data.

How to use

  1. Download DebtHunter-tool.jar
  2. Open cmd in the fold where you download the jar
  3. choose one of two tool use cases form:

Label your Java projects comments with DebtHunter model or your pre-trained classifier

In Resources directory is possible to find a Java project example (sampleDirectory) to be anlysed. You can also use the pre-trained models in the preTrainedModels directory for testing the tool using a custom pre-trained models.

  1. for example, you can execute in cmd:

    • Using DebtHunter pre-trained models:
    java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -u first -p ./SampleDirectory -o ./output
    • Using your pre-trained models:
    java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -u first -p ./SampleDirectory -m1 ./preTrainedModels/DHbinaryClassifier.model -m2 ./preTrainedModels/DHmultiClassifier.model -o ./output

Label your issue (from Jira) with DebtHunter model or your pre-trained classifier

  1. for example, you can execute in cmd:

    • Using DebtHunter pre-trained models:
    java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -u first -pv 2.0.0 -jp CAMEL -c camel-core -bu -o ./output
    • Using your pre-trained models:
    java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -u first -pv 2.0.0 -jp CAMEL -c camel-core -bu -m1 ./binaryModel/path -m2 ./multi-classModel/path -o ./output

Train your classifier

In datasets folder you can find example labeled data to provide in input (you can download trining.arff). Please use as training data an .arff file.

  1. for example, you can execute in cmd:
java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -u second -l ./datasets/labeledComments.arff -o ./output

You can see all commands with the help command:

java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -h


java -jar DebtHunter-tool.jar -help