
Base 10 to 36 and vice versa converter

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Pandatech.BaseConverter is a powerful library designed for seamless base conversion between base 10 and base 36 numeral systems. It addresses the common need in software development to obfuscate database primary keys stored as long integers by converting them into base 36 encoded strings, enhancing data confidentiality and avoiding direct exposure of entity IDs.


  • Bidirectional Conversion: Convert numbers between base 10 and base 36.
  • Custom Character Set: Configure the base 36 character set for tailored encoding.
  • DTO Integration: Simplify base 36 string usage in Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
  • Batch Conversion: Convert lists of numbers between base 10 and base 36 efficiently.
  • Swagger Support: Integrate with Swagger for API documentation and testing.
  • Validation: Ensure data integrity with robust validation for base 36 inputs.
  • Error Handling: Clear and informative exceptions for invalid inputs.


Add Pandatech.BaseConverter to your project via NuGet:

Install-Package Pandatech.BaseConverter

Basic Usage

Converting between Base 10 and Base 36

long number = 12345;
string base36Number = PandaBaseConverter.Base10ToBase36(number);
// Output: "9ix"

string base36Number = "9ix";
long? number = PandaBaseConverter.Base36ToBase10(base36Number);
// Output: 12345

long number = PandaBaseConverter.Base36ToBase10NotNull(base36Number);
// Output: 12345

var numbers = new List<long> { 12345, 67890 };
var base36Numbers = PandaBaseConverter.Base10ListToBase36List(numbers);
// Output: ["9ix", "1bqj"]

var base36Numbers = new List<string> { "9ix", "1bqj" };
var numbers = PandaBaseConverter.Base36ListToBase10List(base36Numbers);
// Output: [12345, 67890]

Advanced Usage

Customizing Base 36 Character Set

Customize the base 36 character set for your needs:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var customCharset = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

DTO Integration

Decorate DTO properties to handle automatic base 36 encoding/decoding:

public class MyDto
    public long Id { get; set; }

Minimal API Parameter Binding

Use QueryBaseConverter and PathBaseConverter to automatically convert base 36 encoded parameters in minimal APIs:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

var groupApp = app.MapGroup("minimal");
groupApp.MapGet("query", ([FromQuery] long id) => id)

groupApp.MapGet("path/{id}", (long id) => id)

groupApp.MapPost("parameter", ([AsParameters] Parameter request) => request)
            .QueryBaseConverter("Prop1", "Prop2");


public class Parameter
    public long Prop1 { get; set; }
    public long Prop2 { get; set; }

Controller Parameter Binding

Resolve base 36 encoded parameters in controller actions using [ParameterBaseConverter]:

public class ConverterController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetFromQuery([ParameterBaseConverter, FromQuery] long id)
        return Ok(id);

    public IActionResult GetFromPath([ParameterBaseConverter] long id)
        return Ok(id);

Swagger Integration

Integrate with Swagger for enhanced API documentation:

    options =>

Error Handling

Pandatech.BaseConverter provides informative exceptions for handling various errors. Here's how you can manage them:

Supported Exceptions

  • UnsupportedCharacterException: Thrown when the input contains characters not supported by the current base 36 character set.
        var result = PandaBaseConverter.Base36ToBase10("invalid-input");
    catch (UnsupportedCharacterException ex)
        // Output: "Message: Input contains unsupported characters. with Value: invalid-input"
  • InputValidationException: Thrown when input validation fails, such as a negative number for base 10 to base 36 conversion.
        var base36Number = PandaBaseConverter.Base10ToBase36(-12345);
    catch (InputValidationException ex)
        // Output: "Message: Number must be non-negative. with Value: -12345"
  • BaseConverterException: The base exception class for all custom exceptions in this library, providing a FullMessage property that includes both the message and the associated value.
        // Some operation that might fail
    catch (BaseConverterException ex)

These exceptions ensure that your applications can gracefully handle and debug errors related to base conversions.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any issues, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as per the license terms.

Thank you for choosing Pandatech.BaseConverter for your base conversion needs!