I'm Sick of Food

I'm Sick of Food is an Alexa skill programmed by Lucas Puskaric.

The basic idea of the skill is that you prompt Alexa to give you a type of food to eat. This returns a broad category of food you should get.

For example, saying "Alexa, ask I'm sick of food what I should eat" will randomly choose a category of food to eat.

Future updates will include suggestions of where to eat.

Here is the breakdown of files: utterances.txt includes the phrases that Alexa will recognize when a user calls upon the skill schema.JSON is the structure of intent that Alexa latches onto. This is the "content" of the program that hooks into the logic. MyFoodTypes.py is the logic behind the program, obviously written in python.

There is some additional files that are not included, but this should provide all essential functionality.