A custom UI video recording demo with AVFoundation.framework, recording multiple videos and finally merge them into a square video file.
一个用AVFoundation自定义界面的视频录制demo。 仿照“微视”,录制多段视频,然后合并成一个正方形的视频文件。
- Import 4 framework
MediaPlayer.framework(if "PlayVeiwController is needed"), QuartzCore.framework, AVFoundation.framework, CoreGraphics.framework;
Drag "SBVideoCapture" folder to your project;
import the head file, and initalize the class SBVideoRecorder
- (void)initRecorder
self.recorder = [[SBVideoRecorder alloc] init];
_recorder.delegate = self;
_recorder.preViewLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, DEVICE_SIZE.width, DEVICE_SIZE.width);
[self.preview.layer addSublayer:_recorder.preViewLayer];
You can find more details in file "CaptureViewController.m"
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.