
🎤 Play audio from local microphone with GStreamer without network streaming

MIT LicenseMIT


Play audio from local microphone with GStreamer without network streaming

1 Description


2 Usage


3 Alternatives

The following application provide alternatives to gstmic but might have more requirements or dependencies for installation. The directory test has scripts to start these alternatives.

3.1 ALSA command-line PCM loopback (alsaloop)

ALSA command-line PCM loopback can be run with:

alsaloop -Cdefault -Pdefault
alsaloop -Cdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry -Pdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
alsaloop -c2 -fS32_LE -t200000

4 Inspection

The following command can be used to list which playback devices are available:

aplay -L -l

Playback can be tested with:

speaker-test -Ddefault
speaker-test -Ddefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry
speaker-test -c2

The following command can be used to list which capture devices are available:

arecord -L -l

Capture can be tested with:

arecord -d5 -Vmono /tmp/tst-none.wav
arecord -d5 -Ddefault /tmp/tst-default.wav
arecord -d5 -Dpulse /tmp/tst-pulse.wav
arecord -d5 -Ddefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry /tmp/tst-srhb.wav
arecord -d5 -c2 -fS16_LE -r48000 /tmp/tst-stereo.wav

and played back with:

aplay -Ddefault /tmp/tst*.wav
aplay -Ddefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry /tmp/tst*.wav
aplay -Vstereo /tmp/tst*.wav

5 Building


6 To do


7 License

For this application the MIT License applies, see also the file LICENSE. The author of this software is Stichting z25.org.

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