Batch which allow to monitor Transmission torrent states by sending RPC call.
This job queries transmission by sending a RPC call and determine which seeding torrents are exhausted, then write them into a file. Are exhausted all torrents which are seeding and have a last activity date older than X days, where X is a custom value. jobs/activity-job.xml activityDateJob
This job queries transmission by sending a RPC call and determine seeding torrents. For each of them, it inserts into a database current uploaded bytes in order to compute further statistics.
Torrent(id (int), name (string), hash (string), downloadedBytes (string), status (string), dat_creprod (date), dat_supprod (date)) TorrentStat(id_torrent (int), dat_snapshot (date), upldoadedBytes (bigint)) jobs/statistics-job.xml statisticsJob