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A website showing the old computers / iDevices I own. I built one in the past but this one is an excuse to play with tech I want to try.


  • Next.js + TypeScript
  • Hosting: Vercel
  • Testing: Jest, Circle CI, Codecov
  • UI: Tailwind CSS and React Icons
  • Tooling: eslint with custom setup (eslint-config-leozera)

Roadmap aka todo

  • ✅ TS support
  • ✅ Themes (dark/light mode)
  • ✅ CI
  • ✅ Use Image component (with Cloudinary)
  • 🟨 Tests
  • 🟨 Open Graph data
  • 🟨 Animations
  • 🟨 Different collectables page style (ex: changelog style)
  • 🟨 Move data to Hasura
  • 🟨 PWA
  • 🟨 Charts (?)