
A simple program that checks every n seconds a given array of IP addresses and notifies via Telegram if one or more of the don't reply to the Echo request

Primary LanguageGo


A simple program that checks every n seconds a given array of IP addresses and notifies via Telegram if one or more of the don't reply to the Echo request (Where n is a user-chosen variable) It is possible to change the configuration, and the changes will make immediate effect: the program will autoamtically update it.


To install the software:

go get github.com/Pandry/go-alive
go build main.go
# Edit your configuration file


Unitl now there's only a -f option to set a different configuration file

-f, -file, --file       sets the location of the configuration file

./goalive -f conf.alternative.toml

Configuration settings


The BotToken variable is your telegram API key. If you don't have one you need to get it from https://t.me/BotFather



The IPList variable is an array that contains the hosts you would like to check

IPList=["", "", "", ""]


The TelegramNotifiedUsers variable is an array that contains the IDs of the chats you want to text to if there's a down IP

TelegramNotifiedUsers=[14123456, 14123457]


The PingAttempts variable is an integer that indicates the number of ping requests the bot sould doevery time it checks an IP



The PingInterval variable is an integer that indicates the seconds of pause the program should take before staring again to check the IPs



The PingTimeout variable is an integer that indicates the seconds of max timeout allowed for every ping request



  • Generate configuration file if not found nor inserted
  • Custom wait interval for every IP or class of IP
  • Async ping
  • Ping a range
  • Custom DNS server
  • Disable auto-reload of the configuration