
A simple Bayesian Optimization framework for ML and DL.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Bayesian Optimization framework for ML and DL, which can be used for fine-tuning parameters of Models efficently. Generally, your can obtain better performance of your model.

How we use it?


Define your model

do this in Model.py.

Setting paras of experiments

do this in template.yaml.

Make sure BoOp.py is modified depended on the former changes.

If Needed:

Define your data function

do this in DataProcess.py

Define your evaluation function

do this TrainAndEvaluate


We have two examples of SimBoOpt:

  1. DL: CNN for classifaction of Minist
  2. ML: MAGC-based(paper: Multi-view Attributed Graph Clustering for attributed graph clustering on ACM datasets


  1. Numpy
  2. Scipy
  3. Scikit-learn
  4. Ax
  5. Scanpy
  6. Torch
  7. Traceback
  8. Bayes_opt

More details can be seen in code comment.

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