
PERN Stack project. Pokemon API for fetching data and storing/processing is made through the backend with nodeJs and PostgreSQL. Visualization and iteraction through the React-Redux FrontEnd-

Primary LanguageJavaScript

POKE-API Individual Project


This is a PERN STACK project. It gets the data from the pokeapi and the backend (NodeJS, Express, SequelizeORM + PostgreSQL) processes and stores it. You can visualize that data through the front end and you can create new entries (new pokemon) and these are stored in the database and then integrated with all the data coming from the Pokemon API.

This project was made as a technical test for HENRY at their fullstack webDev bootcamp.

List of features

  • React, Redux, Node y Sequelize + PostgreSQL.
  • Some basics on testing.
  • Search pokemon.
  • Filtering pokemon.
  • Creating custom pokemon.