- MERN Stack.
- and some others if are used add here.
This doubts app will have two panels which are going to be the admin(Teacher) and the Student pannels. the functionalities which are being given are:
- The student can ask doubts and post their doubts.
- The doubts will be received by their teachers and they can answer them.
- The student can access their answers in another section.
This project will also be authenticated using the JWT's.
- create a seperate folder for the Database and do this:
- create admin and student Schemas which both are going to have 3 fields which are username, email and password.
- signup(/signup/admin route): in which you will get the data in body the data is goint to be {email: the email, password: the set password}.
- store these values in the dataBase and create the new admin.
- signup(/signup/admin route): in which you will get the data in body the data is goint to be {email: the email, password: the set password}.
- store these values in the dataBase and create the new student.