
Welcome to the Data-Structures-CPP repository! 🚀 This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of common data structures implemented in C++. Whether you're a student learning algorithms or a developer looking to refresh your understanding, this repository is a valuable resource

Primary LanguageC++

Data Structures and Algorithms in C++

This repository contains implementations of various data structures and algorithms in C++. These implementations are organized into different categories for better understanding and reference.

Welcome to the Data-Structures-CPP repository! 🚀 This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of common data structures implemented in C++. Whether you're a student learning algorithms or a developer looking to refresh your understanding, this repository is a valuable resource.

Key Features:

  • C++ Implementation: All data structures are implemented in C++ for clarity and efficiency.
  • Educational Content: Each data structure includes clear explanations and comments for educational purposes.
  • Usage Examples: Practical examples demonstrate how to use these data structures in real-world scenarios.
  • Easy-to-Navigate: Organized directory structure for quick access to individual data structures.

View the README

Table of Contents

  1. Linked Lists
    • Linked List Basics
    • Doubly Linked List
    • Circular Linked List
  2. Stack & Queue
    • Stack
    • Expression Parsing
    • Queue
  3. Graph Data Structure
    • Graph Data Structure
    • Depth First Traversal
    • Breadth First Traversal
    • Spanning Tree
  4. Tree Data Structure
    • Tree Data Structure
    • Tree Traversal
    • Binary Search Tree
    • AVL Tree
    • Red-Black Trees
    • B Trees
    • B+ Trees
    • Splay Trees
    • Tries
    • Heap
  5. Recursion
    • Recursion Basics
    • Tower of Hanoi
    • Fibonacci Series
