To create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface), follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js and npm: Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. You can download them from the official Node.js website:

  2. Install Angular CLI: Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install the Angular CLI globally:

    npm install -g @angular/cli
  3. Create a New Project: Once the Angular CLI is installed, you can create a new Angular project using the following command:

    ng new my-angular-project

    Replace my-angular-project with your desired project name. The CLI will prompt you to answer a few questions about the project setup, such as whether to include Angular routing and which stylesheets to use (CSS, SCSS, etc.). Choose the options that best fit your project's requirements.

  4. Navigate to the Project Directory: Change your terminal's working directory to the newly created project:

    cd my-angular-project
  5. Run the Development Server: Launch the development server to see your Angular application in the browser. Use the following command:

    ng serve

    By default, the application will be accessible at http://localhost:4200/.

  6. Explore the Generated Project: The Angular CLI generates a complete project structure with sample components, modules, and configuration files. You can start building your Angular application by modifying these generated files.

  7. Create Components, Services, and More: You can use the Angular CLI to generate various parts of your application, such as components, services, modules, and more. For example, to create a new component, use the following command:

    ng generate component my-component
  8. Build for Production: When you're ready to deploy your application, you can build a production-ready bundle using the following command:

    ng build --prod

    This will create optimized files in the dist/ directory.


Module 1: Introduction to AngularJS

  • What is AngularJS and its history
  • Key concepts: Two-way data binding, directives, dependency injection
  • Advantages of using AngularJS

Module 2: Setting Up AngularJS Development Environment

  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Installing AngularJS using a CDN
  • Installing AngularJS using npm

Module 3: Building Blocks of AngularJS

  • Controllers: Creating and using controllers
  • Scopes: Understanding scope hierarchy
  • Expressions: Using expressions in HTML
  • Filters: Using built-in filters
  • Services: Overview of built-in services

Module 4: Data Binding and Directives

  • Data binding types: One-way and two-way data binding
  • ng-model directive: Binding input elements to scope properties
  • ng-bind directive: Displaying data in HTML
  • ng-repeat directive: Iterating over arrays or objects
  • ng-show and ng-hide directives: Conditional visibility
  • ng-if directive: Conditionally rendering elements
  • Custom directives: Creating and using custom directives

Module 5: Routing and Views

  • Introduction to ngRoute module
  • Configuring routes
  • Using ng-view for dynamic views
  • Passing route parameters
  • Nested views and multiple views

Module 6: Services and Dependency Injection

  • Creating custom services
  • Using built-in services (e.g., $http, $location, $timeout)
  • Dependency injection: Understanding its importance
  • Injecting services into controllers and other services

Module 7: Forms and Validation

  • Using ng-form for form handling
  • Input validation using ng-model and directives
  • CSS classes for form validation states
  • Custom form validation using directives

Module 8: Handling Events

  • ng-click, ng-submit, and other event directives
  • Using $event object
  • Event propagation and stopping propagation

Module 9: Filters and Custom Filters

  • Understanding built-in filters (e.g., currency, date, filter)
  • Creating custom filters

Module 10: Communicating with Servers

  • Making HTTP requests using $http
  • Promises and handling asynchronous data
  • Error handling and response transformations

Module 11: Advanced Topics

  • Directives: Isolate scope, transclusion
  • Services: Factory, service, provider, constant, value
  • AngularJS animation basics
  • Testing AngularJS applications (unit testing, e2e testing)

Module 12: Best Practices and Tips

  • AngularJS coding style and conventions
  • Performance optimization techniques
  • Debugging and troubleshooting AngularJS applications
  • Resources for further learning and staying updated