
Python GUI based encoder-decoder tool

Primary LanguagePython



A Python GUI Tool for Encoding and Decoding

forthebadge made-with-python

Table of Contents


dcodeKi is a Python GUI based encoder-decoder tool using Kivy framework


  • Copy to clipboard
  • GUI
  • Numerous Encoder-decoders


Make sure to install all the requirement in your system
[Except Python you can skip downloading the other modules as I added them in the requirements.txt (Just follow all the installation step)]

  1. Python 3.7 - 3.11
    Scripting language I used to write the program
  2. Kivy 2.2.1
    Framework to create the GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  3. Pyperclip
    Crossplatform module for the copy paste function
  4. KivyMD
    A collection of Material Design compliant widgets for use with kivy

Install & run

To run the tool in your system (using terminal)

  1. First clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/Pankaj0038/dcodeKi.git

    or You can just download the zip file of the repository

  2. Change directory to dcodeKi

    cd dcodeKi-main/dcodeKi-app
  3. Download all the requirement (Skip this if already downloaded)

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    incase of linux or mac use pip3

    [Note that if you are in Windows then run powershell as administrator and then run the commands]

  4. Run using python

    python3 dcodeKi.py


Stylish loading screen

Image Description
interface Stylish loading screen


Description Image
User_friendly Interface interface


Image Description
Copy button
Multiple algorithms

User_friendly nomenclature

Description Image
General naming of the encoders


To contribute in this project

  1. Go to issues section
  2. Comment under any issues or create a new issue