
browser in the browser attack

Primary LanguageHack


✅ what is BITB attack ?

**bitb stands for browser in the browser attack . it just a more of the advance phishing techniuqe used to phis the user making them belive that a new third party authentication windows is open . but it is just using <ifram>tag from the html and with magic of some javascript and css , it makes more belivable. you can look at the image provided from mrd0x , to read more you can visit : https://mrd0x.com/browser-in-the-browser-phishing-attack/ **


✅ note :

  • this framwork is composed of several popular site cloned pages , which are used to trick the user !!
  • one can modify the host webiste login page by adding custom html or css in main.html file !!
  • all the credential are found in sites/userpass/usernames.txt file !!
  • make sure you have php install on your system

✅ how to run ?

this framwork is fully guided , you just need to run bitb.py file. then just visit the localhost on you can contribute to this open source project . thank you 👍🙌🤗

✅ screenshot of the framwork :

image image image

need to work on it to make it something really nice ! i know there are lots of bug currently !!

special thanks to : https://github.com/mrd0x/BITB