
This project is a web-based application that generates random dad jokes using an API. With just a click of a button, you can get a fresh new joke to share with your family and friends.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a web-based application that generates random dad jokes using an API. With just a click of a button, you can get a fresh new joke to share with your family and friends.

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  1. Share jokes on social media: Add buttons that allow users to share the joke they generated on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

  2. Random joke of the day: Show a new joke on the page each day.

Technologies Used

The Dad Jokes Generator is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also uses the icanhazdadjoke API to fetch and display the jokes.

How to Use

To use the Dad Jokes Generator, simply click on the "Generate Joke" button on the page. The app will make a request to the icanhazdadjoke API and display the joke on the screen.

Project Structure

The project contains the following files:

index.html: the main HTML file that contains the UI of the app.
style.css: the CSS file that styles the UI.
script.js: the JavaScript file that handles the logic of the app, including making the API request and updating the UI with the joke.
README.md: this file, which contains information about the project.



This project is open for contributions. If you would like to contribute to this project, you can fork the repository and submit a pull request.
Contributions are always welcome!

See index.html for ways to get started.

Please adhere to this project's code of conduct.





If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at pankajbaliyan90@gmail.com

🔗 Links

code with pankaj - youtube Linkedin

LeetCode geeksforgeeks

Twitter HackerRank Discord

Lessons Learned

I learned many things while making this repository, i.e. how to make a webpage responsive to all devices screens and get content from API & show response's & more.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/PankajBaliyan/Dad-jokes.git

Go to the project directory

  cd Dad-jokes

Start code editor

  code .


App Screenshot


For support, email pankajbaliyan90@gmail.com or join our Slack channel.