
Job board for Angular developers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AngJobs - job board for developers

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/victorantos/AngJobs

Looking for a demo? - check AngJobs.com

update: current repository matches live website, additionally it automatically imports about 500 real jobs when you run it for the first time!


  • "Really like how it works. Extremely easy to use, straight forward, and as a job board being able to attach LinkedIn/CV/etc right on the job page is a what you want in something like this. Great job." by Redditor FlatTextOnAScreen

First run

Make sure you create the database first by running this command in the "Package manager console" window in Visual Studio



This job board wants to be like the Gmail app, responsive, fast and easy to use.

[ ] (http://AngJobs.com)

Mobile app

[ ] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AngJobs.app)

The code. Setup for devs

The single page app is based on ng.Net.Template by Dahln Farnes

On server side it uses .NET C# to provide the JSON endpoints(~/api/...) and Entity Framework Code First apropach for the data layer. The single page app code(javascript+css) is located in ~/Assets/app

To run the web app on Windows you need Visual Studio and Sql Server Express both are free tools by Microsoft

update: this is the code style I might want to follow https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide#table-of-contents

Run tests

To run unit tests use this command at your command prompt:

AngJobs\AngJobs>karma start test/karma.conf.js


  • Create a recruiters page and list all 400+ recruiters from DB

  • Create a jobs applied for table

  • Create a responsive left side menu

  • Implement the "digital roses" concept to job applications

    • by default give 2 badgets per day for use to each candidate, max 10 badgets per week
    • recruiters will be able to see whether the candidate used its badget in order to apply for a job
    • why use badgets? it should help to select the right candidates more easily
  • Mark jobs posts as read, that can be done by removing the bold font

  • Mark the jobs applied for

  • Add /feed.rss endpoint with latest jobs

  • Import more jobs from external providers/api

  • Jobs detail page

  • Upload resume functionality

  • Import jobs from Hacker News this is the json https://github.com/gaganpreet/hn-hiring-mapped/blob/gh-pages/src/web/data/2015-06.json

  • Create an API page

  • Add a Filters section on the side menu

  • Find and import some "remote jobs" providers from here https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job

  • Client side testing(unit test and e2e tests)

  • integrate the Me-Api. Explore developers

  • add angular-cache

Mobile app

  • arrange/format content on job details screen

Other tasks

  • Setup a continuous delivery service - build server
  • When posting a job, after Remote/Contract/Permanent button click focus on the next textbox

Future plans

  • Apply for jobs while offline(on the train). Use service worker?
  • Android app based on phonegap/ionic frameworks
  • Provide an Api. GET jobs, job applications. POST job, resume.

Frameworks used

  • Angular
  • Web API
  • Protractor for testing - end to end
  • Ionic framework for mobile app, uses AngularJs


  • Victor Antofica