Implementation of simple linear regression to predict delivery time.
- Dataset is fall under supervised.
- In this project, simple linear regression model is used for prediction.
- CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
- Attributes can be integer or real values.
- Responses can be integer, real or categorical.
The primary goal is predict delivery time based on sorting time.
- pandas, numpy, matplotlib,seaborn,sklearn,joblib used in project
- followed indistry standard practice of machine learning life cycle steps.
- implement necessary transformation, preprocessing of dataset.
- conduct exploratory data analysis on dataset.
- visualised data using visualisation library like matplotlib, seaborn.
- scikit library use for linear regression.
- model validate with r2_score and root mean square error.
- joblib library used to dump model.
- model is saved in .ipynb formate as Delivery_pr1.
- delivery time is float and sorting time is int data type.
- No null values in dataset.
- No outliers in dataset.
- delivery time is having 82.5% correlation with sorting time.
- maximum occurence of sorting time is 7.
- max delivery time is 29, min delivery time is 8, average delivery time is 17
- max sorting time is 10, min sorting time is 2, average sorting time is 6. max sorting time count is 7.
- model intercept_ is 6.6 and coef_ is 1.60
- model r2_score is 57% and RMSE is 2.33