
E-Commerce Website Rest APIs. Online buying and selling Products by this Website with authentification of Admin and customers.

Primary LanguageJava


WorkFlow of the Website

workflow User side features

Landing Page Search functionality Search by category Sort, Filter by rating, price See individual product page Add to cart See cart details and total price in it Make a purchase, and track status See historical order Payment ,Checkout pages Login, Register Pages

Admin Side Features

Product List Add new products Manage Quantities Order management See orders, details of orders Update status ( Processed, Failed, To be dispatched, out for delivery, returned ) Search by user details ( phone, email, name, id ) Search by order Orders which are cancelled or refunded Refund requests User management See users, and details admin and users ( different login ) Dashboards sales made today sales made last week sales made last month sales from Jan - Dec highest sold product ordered by rating in given duration highest rated product in given duration highest sold product categorised under selling price highest sold product in different categories