
The ever evolving web-app for Sick-Fansubs!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

<< Sick-Fansubs >>

This project was generated using Nx. A smart, fast and extensible build system.

The project structure was implemented as described here.

-- Project Info --

- NX (Monorepo)

Nx Documentation

10-minute video showing all Nx features

Interactive Tutorial

Development server

Run pnpm run dev for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

It is recommended to use the Nx console VSCode plugin to generate whatever you want as a library in the libs folder. Right click on the path you want and select ng generate. Then follow the on-screen instructions.


Run pnpm run build:all to build the projects (both api and sick-fansubs) for production. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. You can build an individual project with nx build {{app-name}} and you can use the --prod flag for a production build, like nx build {{app-name}} --prod.

Running unit tests

Run nx test {{app-name}} to execute the unit tests via Jest.

Run nx affected:test to execute the unit tests affected by a change.

Running end-to-end tests

Run nx e2e {{app-name}} to execute the end-to-end tests via Cypress.

Run nx affected:e2e to execute the end-to-end tests affected by a change.

Understand your workspace

Run nx graph to see a diagram of the dependencies of your projects.

- Angular (Frontend)

More info and Documentation can be found to angular.io.

- NestJS (Backend)

More info and Documentation can be found to nestjs.com.

- MongoDB (Database)

More info and Documentation can be found to mongodb.com.

- Docker/Docker Compose (Containerization)

More info and Documentation can be found to docker.com.

- Swagger (ReST API documentation)

The ReST API documentation can be accessed through /api-docs.

More info and Documentation can be found to swagger.io.