
Primary LanguageGo

Batch Transactions API

The current system allows us to create a transaction and issue it to the bank immediately. In the context of introducing transactions that are created as a result of a round-up, there will be potentially a lot of transactions worth a few cents issued to the bank.

In order to avoid spamming the user's bank account with a lot of low volume transactions, we want to "batch" those transactions into a single higher volume transactions.



From Source

$ make start
// OR
$ go run main.go -n 1000 -d 24h


Build and run from local Dockerfile:

$ docker-compose up


-m int
    minimal value of transactions to be batched (default 100).
-t duration
    batch timeout duration (default 0).


$ go run main.go -m 100000

$ go run main.go -m 10000 -d 0

$ go run main.go -m 10000 -d 24h

$ go run main.go -d 20s

If you define the duration, a worker going to execute to dispatch all batch transaction if reach the duration limit


Swagger API docs provided at path /swagger/index.html

or you can install go-swagger and render it locally (macOS example)


$ brew tap go-swagger/go-swagger
$ brew install go-swagger


$ swagger serve docs/swagger.yaml

Re-generate swag docs:

$ make swag

Useful Commands

Unit tests

$ make test


$ make help

 Choose a command run in batch:

  install            Install missing dependencies. Runs `go get` internally. e.g; make install get=github.com/foo/bar
  start              Clean, compile and start simulation.
  start-simulation   Start alian simulation from binary.
  stop               Stop the simulation.
  compile            Compile the project.
  exec               Run given command. e.g; make exec run="go test ./..."
  clean              Clean build files. Runs `go clean` internally.
  check              Run application check.
  test               Run all tests.
  unit               Run all unit tests.
  fmt                Run `go fmt` for all go files.
  govet              Run go vet.
  golint             Run golint.
  install-swag       Install go-swagger.
  swag               Install and run go-swagger.