Backend Interview

Clean API for Backend Interview.


Quick start

Deploy it in less than 30 seconds!


Running Locally


$ go get -u
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make start

IDE ( GoLand )

  1. Run;
  2. Edit configuration;
  3. New Go build configuration;
  4. Select directory as configuration type;
  5. Set api as program argument and -i as Go tools argument;


Setup MongoDb
brew install mongodb


Running inside a Docker

docker-compose up -d

Make commands

- install       Install missing dependencies. Runs `go get` internally. e.g; make install
- start         Start API in development mode.
- stop          Stop development mode.
- compile       Compile the binary.
- exec          Run given command. e.g; make exec run="go test ./..."
- clean         Clean build files. Runs `go clean` internally.
- test          Run all unit tests.
- fmt           Run `go fmt` for all go files.
- goreleaser    Release the last tag version with GoReleaser.
- govet         Run go vet.
- golint        Run golint.
- docs          Generate swagger docs.
- script-test   Run tests from `test/`

Environment Variables

All environment variables for developing are set inside the .env file.


Swagger API docs provided at path /swagger/index.html.

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests: make test.