
Clojure library designed for fast and efficient HTML generation

Primary LanguageClojure


clj-fast-html is a Clojure library designed for fast and efficient HTML generation.


You can find the latest version on Clojars:

Clojars Project


Here is an example of how to use clj-fast-html to generate an HTML string:

 [[:html/raw "<!DOCTYPE html>"]
    [:title "Title"]]
    [:h1#id.class1.class2 "Header"]
    [:p {:style {:color "red"}} "text"]
    [:p {:class ["class3" "class4"]} "text"]
    [:p {:class "class3 class4"} "text"]
    [:dialog {:open true} "text"]
    [:span {:href (clj-fast-html.core/escape "' onmouseover='alert(1)")}]
    [:span (clj-fast-html.core/escape "<p onmouseover='alert(1)'></p>")]
     (fn [x]
       [:span x])
     [1 2 3 4])]]])
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1 id="id" class="class1 class2">Header</h1>
    <p style="color:red">text</p>
    <p class="class3 class4">text</p>
    <p class="class3 class4">text</p>
    <dialog open>text</dialog>
    <span href="&#39; onmouseover=&#39;alert(1)"></span>
    <span>&lt;p onmouseover=&#39;alert(1)&#39;&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</span>


The performance of clj-fast-html is benchmarked against other popular HTML generation libraries. Below are the benchmark results for generating the Clojure home page

Single Thread

Library Average (ns) %
clj-fast-html (latest) 39434.940 ns/op 0%
Hiccup (2.0.0-RC3) 306147.614 ns/op 676.34%
Hiccup (2.0.0-RC1) 666406.325 ns/op 1589.89%


Library Average (μs) %
clj-fast-html (latest) 176.198 μs/op 0%
Hiccup (2.0.0-RC3) 1332.627 μs/op 656.32%
Hiccup (2.0.0-RC1) 2041.248 μs/op 1058.5%

To run the benchmark yourself, use the following command:

make bench