
This is a simple, yet effective, web application for searching torrents and easily grabbing magnet URLs from multiple sources.

Primary LanguageCSS

Torrent Search

This is a simple, yet effective, web application for searching torrents and easily grabbing magnet URLs from multiple sources.

The application allows users to enter a search query, which is used to retrieve torrent data from multiple API endpoints. The search results are combined and displayed on the page, and users can easily copy magnet URLs to their clipboard, open the magnet URLs, or share them.

The application also provides a theme switching function, allowing users to toggle between light and dark modes.


  • Search torrents from multiple sources
  • Display combined search results
  • Copy magnet URLs to clipboard
  • Open magnet URLs directly
  • Share magnet URLs
  • Toggle between light and dark modes

APIs used

  • https://news-api.cyclic.app


  • AffanTheBest: for base code
  • OpenAI GPT-4: for code review and suggestions