
Search engine built over university material

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UNIse - search engine

Search engine built over university material

Install Notes

  • The NLTK data is needed, specifically the words, wordnet and omw data are necessary
  • To install NLTK data just open a python shell, import nltk and type nltk.download("words") for all the listed data
  • Useful information can be found here https://www.nltk.org/data.html
  • Everything else is handled by pipenv


How to run:

$ cd UNIse
$ pipenv shell
$ pipenv install
$ flask run

Once the server start go to localhost:5000 from the browser.

Additional Info

The search engine default index works with the directory UNIse/unise/resources/test_data.

This directory contains just a bunch of file, to create a new index just go to the create page from the homepage and follow the instructions.